PMI Central Alabama Chapter
Board of Directors

Joel Ellis
The President shall be the chief executive officer for PMI Central Alabama and of the Board and shall perform such duties as are customary for presiding officers, including making all required appointments with the approval of the Board. The President shall also serve as a member ex-officio with the right to participate and vote on all committees except the Nominating Committee.
Joel Ellis

The President‐Elect shall represent the President. Being elected to this position carries a three‐year commitment to the chapter (definite two-year term with possible one year term as Board Advisor if individual chooses). The President‐elect shall assist the President the first year of the President‐Elect's term, be President the second year, and serve as a Board Advisor during the 3rd year of his or her term. In the event of vacancy in the office of President for any reason, the President elect becomes President.
The President Elect provides support for chapter volunteers by providing identification and coordination of volunteer opportunities, education and training for volunteer involvement and recognition of volunteer achievements. The President-Elect is the PMI Central Alabama Region 14 Representative.

Anushree Dongare
Vice President of Marketing
The VP of Marketing shall create and maintain PMICAC’s marketing plan; work with the board and committees on the development of marketing materials and oversee marketing activities; lead PMICAC’s sponsorship program and ensure compliance with government regulations related to marketing and advertising activities.
Anushree Dongare
Charlie Boyd
Vice President of Administration
The VP of Administration shall be responsible for chairing and recruiting directors for the Administration Committee. This committee is responsible for keeping the records of all business meetings of the Chapter, meetings of the Board and documenting attendance at all chapter functions.
Charlie Boyd

Vice President of Communications
The VP of Communications is responsible for the chapter website and all chapter communication. This includes, but is not limited to, updating announcements and events on the website, maintaining the chapter SharePoint site and board email updates and access, publishing weekly chapter news updates and coordinating any volunteers as applicable to perform these activities.
The VP of Communications is also responsible for attending Advisory Board meetings with our web hosting provider.

Jon Shively
Vice President of Finance
The VP of Finance is responsible for the financial affairs of the chapter including keeping and reconciling the chapter's books, paying bills, depositing funds received, generating reports, and filing tax returns.
Jon Shively

Tiffany Borden
Vice President of Membership
The VP of Membership is responsible for receiving and maintaining a current file of PMI membership in the Chapter area of operations and solicit their affiliation with the local Chapter. This includes growing Chapter membership throughout the year through various initiatives, maintaining a listing of Chapter volunteers and ensure they are paired up with Chapter projects, and communicating and maintaining chapter membership information.
The goal of the VP of Membership includes contributing to maintaining current membership and growing new membership.
Tiffany Borden

Nicole Fortune
VP of Education
The VP of Education is responsible for providing leadership to the chapter in promoting project management professionalism through a program of educational seminars, workshops, presentations, and other services designed to help PM professionals achieve certification/credentialing and advance in their careers. The position also has the aspect of developing the profession – that is, increasing the respect for the PM profession in the larger community of professions.
Nicole Fortune

Rosalind Parks
Vice President of Special Projects
The Vice President of Special Projects should be responsible for coordinating special PDU generating events and execute non-operations activities in conjunction with PMI Central Alabama’s strategic plans.
Rosalind Parks

Vice President of Programs
The VP of Programs is responsible for coordinating the monthly chapter meetings and chapter networking events. This coordination consists of soliciting quality speakers that add value to the chapter membership, finding and booking reasonably-priced meeting and networking venues, and coordinating food and drink for these events. The VP of Programs is also responsible for conducting surveys of chapter meetings and reporting the results.
The VP of Program works closely with other board members to accomplish the annual strategic goals of the chapter. This includes monthly board meeting attendance and annual strategic planning meeting attendance.

Kent Hamblen
Board Advisor
The Board Advisor shall advise the board on chapter matters and lead special committees as assigned.
The Board Advisor Chairs the Board of Directors Nominations Committee and is responsible for forming the Nominations Committee, soliciting and interviewing perspective candidates, building the candidate slate and coordinating the election with PMI Global Operations Center.
The Board Advisor is a non-voting member of the board.
Kent Hamblen